We create compelling!


Let’s make sure your publishers do not say no to your next writing project!

Book proposals are as important as the book quality. To make sure your book publishing efforts are hassle-free, it is essential that you properly sell your book. In the proposal, you should market yourself as the author and select a suitable platform to make sure your publishing efforts are successful.
Writing a convincing book proposal is very important. The more believable it is, the more likely it is to get published by a famous publisher.
Book Writers Co. will guide you through every step of the submission process, from assessing your project's viability to writing or rewriting your pitch materials, to helping you select the best possible agent or publisher for your book.

The sole purpose of a query letter is to persuade the editor or agent to request or read your work. Essentially, query letters are your sales pitch, and it is impossible to write one if you have not completed your writing manuscript.
In simple terms, a query letter should only be written when you are totally aware of your story premise.
Book Writers Co. can help you write query letters for your next big writing project. We assess your project viability, refine your sales pitch, and help you select suitable publishers for your book.

No, they are different! Let’s see how:
Usually used for fiction work, query letters serve the purpose of a compelling sales pitch for your work. This work is first written and completed, and then query letters are submitted.
Usually used for non-fiction work, book proposals are the prospective book sales pitch, not yet written.

This is how we create convincing


and Query Letters.


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Sign up on our website and select a package. Our team will call to confirm your order and connect you with a dedicated agent to talk about the project brief.


Your Book

Get started. Share some necessary details about your book so that we can recommend you the most suitable publishing houses.



After you share your project details with our team, an initial draft for your book proposals and query letters are written and shared with you for your approval.



After your approval, the book proposal or query letter will be pitched to top publishing companies through the literary agent to make your book publishing efforts hassle-free.

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